Apostle Kadesh is a native of Columbia, SC where she co pastors New Beginnings Outreach Ministries International along with her husband, Apostle Chaun Jenkins. She’s been married for 20 years and has three beautiful children. Apostle Kadesh has a true passion for God’s people to be saved and completely delivered, especially women. She believes that teaching true, sound doctrine is the only way to deliver the word of God. She has so many great endeavors to speak on, but just to name a few.
Apostle has been seen on CBN for prophesying COVID-19 and also on Word Network, and so many other platforms. She is a #1 Best Selling Author with 2 nationally known books out called “I AM SHE” and “From Mediocrity to Maturity. She is a Kingdom Entrepreneur and CEO of the #1 Book Publishing Company - Kingdom Book Publlishing and Creator of 'Blank Canvas Podcast". Apostle Kadesh has been setting a standard for many all over the world and through it all Gives God all the Glory.